Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Metaphor, Analogy, Storytelling, Visualization

Metaphor, Analogy, Storytelling, Visualization: 

How to learn smartly?
How to learn complex thing easily?
How to remember so many things in a small brain (Not so small)?
So many ‘How’, what’s the answer ???
Let’s look some of thing which will help us to find the solutions.
1.Metaphor: Describing a whole theory by a small word, so you can easily relate a complex idea to a word only. 
    2.Analogy: Relating one area of study to your favorite area, so you can remember complex theories.

    3.Storytelling/Visualization: Associating study with your favorite cartoon characters, movies, songs, places. Making story and associating with study material.
For e.g.  You can relate famous flight of Wright brothers with your 1st bike journey.
There can be scope of lot of creativity to making association.
Keep Learning, Happy Learning…..:)

Illusion of competence

Illusion of competence: 

What is illusion of competence?

·         A state of mind, where we think we know everything by just flipping the pages, going through summary or skipping exercises.
·         It’s like taking part in Formula One race, by just knowing how to start the car.

How to avoid illusion of competence?

·         Simple 30 second recalls technique after study of any subject without checking the material again.
·         Doing Deliberate practice always helps to master the subject.
·         Taking mini test is beneficial.

Don’t try to be a shallow learner, work hard to dive deeper in the ocean of learning. Till the time, Happy Learning………..:)


This is the most common problem faced by most of the people in their life….Procrastination. Let’s make it simple.
What is procrastination?
·         Literally a state of mind where when we are uncomfortable with something, our mind turns away the attention to something, which is more comfortable for us. For e.g. we have to learn new languages in our school or colleges, but many of us find it boring and get unpleasant feeling and start doing other things, which we feel comfortable.
·         An unhappy feeling, anxiety due to unpleasant work forces our minds attention to a pleasant or less fruitful work to make us feel happy temporarily.
 How to avoid Procrastination?
·         Used focused mode of learning of short period to overcome procrastination.
·         A technique called Pomodoro is used.

Photo Credit: Pomodoro timer, Autore: Francesco Cirillo rilasciata a Erato nelle sottostanti licenze

·         We can set a reward for ourselves after completing 25 min focus approach. That reward will act as a motivator to overcome our procrastination.
·         We should avoid all distraction during this focused mode of study, especially the digital distraction, mostly now a day’s caused by our beloved SMART phone.
·         The idea is “De-Connected” from our digital network; put it in offline mode for that period of time.

You can discover some innovative ideas, which will be best suitable to you. Keep learning, Happy Learning…J

Learning: how to learn in a better way

Learning is a lifelong process, not only focused on study but every aspect of life. We start learning from beginning of our life and it continues throughout our life. It is a natural process, then why some people learn fast and some people slow. Is it due to some people naturally gifted like Einstein or Stephan Hawkins, yes it is the reason, but ordinary people like I and You can learn faster, if we can overcome some common problem of day to day learning.  Some of very common problem is procrastination, Mindset, Improper sleeping pattern, illusion of learning. Some of the way through which we can improve our learning are focused & diffused mode of thinking, deliberate practice of material, interleaving of our studies, chunking of ideas, with the help of metaphor, analogy, storytelling, visualization in study, transfer of ideas from one domain to the other domain and may more to say.
Every people are unique, everyone has its own strength & weakness, and it also applies to learning pattern of every individual. We will be discussing some common problems faced by most of the people in leaning in following discussion.
Happy learning………:)